This spherical comb is super easy to use! No matter how messy the hair is, it won't get caught at all, and it stands up very smoothly. I have been using it every day for more than a year, and the hair wrapped around it can be easily removed by cutting it along the comb with small scissors occasionally. I bought this account with another student's mailbox. It's very sad that I can't use the tag. You can search for it😂😂
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这个球形的梳子超好用!不管头发多乱都完全不会夹头发,竖起来特别顺,还可以配合吹风机做卷发造型。 用了一年多了每天都在用,上面缠着的头发偶尔拿小剪刀顺着梳子一个缝剪断之后就可以轻松取下来。 用另一个学生邮箱买的这个号用不了tag很忧伤,大家可以搜一搜😂😂