
[Little Cola's Book List] An excerpt of a good sentence from "Minimalism".

This is a work and life philosophy book.

How to solve problems, how to deal with people, and how to manage time.

Recommended to everyone.


More and more people are now finding that their lives cannot be separated from the influence of the smart people around them.

Smart people possess extraordinary intelligence, expertise, skills, experience, and talents, but in certain circumstances , they often lack a necessary skill, which is what I use in the book to usecommon sense capabilities.

Common sense is not common sense.

If you have the pleasure of hearing from Israeli scientist Elie Goldratt's speech, then you must know what he said"Science's greatest The basic creedthis sentence. According to his theory,There are no complex systems in reality, or the truth cannot be complex .

“KISS: Keep It Simple,Stupid”

"If you don't know which port you're sailing to, it's either a southeast or a northwesterly wind for you It doesn't matter.

""We don't have time to plan this, let's do it." This is absolutely false.

A little planning is always better than a blind attempt. span>

Keeping stakeholders happy is the key to success. span>

Sometimes it takes a little effort to set reasonable goals.

Events are always composed of a series of small events, which are continuous. If you don’t pay attention to the continuity of things, you will Can't do anything.

"As Bill Gates said: Desires without action are pipe dreams.

Fire fighting is a term used to describe how to handle a crisis or unexpected situation. When something unexpected happens and you have to deal with it, it's putting out a fire. span>

As a Western proverb says: The devil is always in the details. "

"Clarify your goals and follow the established plan to achieve your goals. If the goals are all wrong, then you can do Just want to escape with as much dignity as possible.

Ask yourself: If I could only do one thing, which would it be."

If you don’t do it, it will never be done. span>

We spend most of our lives dealing with supply and demand issues.

So invest your time in the important things and say no to the unimportant things.< span class="s1">”

Ambitious goals will prompt you to think more about your opportunities. However, a mismatch between supply and demand will eventually lead to The results were contrary to the intended goals.

If you don’t proactively address the risks in your project, the risks will sneak up on you."

“Life is full of surprises.” As time goes on, we either find ourselves saying this all the time, or we are reminded over and over again by the facts. How correct the sentence is.

Leave room and finish well. p>

"A extension of "things are or not" is that things are either getting better or getting worse.

If the problem is fixable, then there is nothing to worry about. Worry is useless if the problem cannot be solved. In any case, worry is unnecessary.

If people are motivated enough and are extremely motivated, they can move mountains."

Embodied thinking is important not only because it is a way to develop empathy, but more importantly, when you When dealing with people of any level and experiencing setbacks, it is easier to understand their perspectives and practices by being able to put yourself in their shoes as much as possible.< /p>

There must be people in the world more pitiful than you.”< /span>

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“KISS Keep It SimpleStupid”








灭火是一个用来描述如何处理危机或意外状况的术语。 当一件意料之外的事发生时,你不得不去处理它,这就是灭火。









「生活中总是充满惊喜」。 随着时间的流逝,我们要么发现自己一直在说这句话,要么就是被事实一次次地提醒这句话是多么正确。



如果问题是可以解决的,那么就没有什么好担心的。 如果问题是不可以解决的,那么担心也没有用。 无论如何,担心都是没有必要的。


