Yuantong's Colorful Moon Moon is known as a cheap version of Maxim's Creamy Cream, and the price is only half of Maxim's. Such a huge box, as big as the garland hanging on the door at Christmas, and a matching gift bag, enough weight. Advantages: Each of the eight mooncakes has different flavors, namely, flowing custard, flowing chocolate, flowing purple potato, creamy bean paste, jasmine, peanut taro, cheese blueberry and large double yellow and white lotus paste. Taste is good, very oily and sweet. The runny part tastes like fudge, and those who like sweets will like this one. Disadvantages: I didn't pay attention when I bought it, only when I received it, I found out that only three of them were flowy and the others were not. I knew that I should have ordered another Seven Stars with Moon with Creamy Yellow Flowing Heart, but it's already sold out, sorry.
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元童的七彩揽月号称是平价版的美心奶黄流心,价钱只是是美心的一半。那么巨大的盒子,跟圣诞节挂房门的花环一样大,还有配套的礼品袋,够分量。 优点:八只月饼每个口味都不一样,分别是流心奶黄,流心巧克力,流心紫薯,奶油豆沙,茉莉花,花生香芋,奶酪蓝莓和大只的双黄白莲蓉。味道都不错,很油很甜。流心的部分口感很像软糖,喜欢甜食的会喜欢这一款。 缺点:买的时候没注意,收到才发现只有三个是流心其他都不是。早知应该预定另一款奶黄流心的七星伴月,现在已经售馨了,后悔啊。