If you have glutinous rice flour and brown sugar at home, you can make brown sugar glutinous rice cake! I never knew the snacks I loved when I was a kid were so easy to make! Ingredients: 150g glutinous rice flour (Sanxiang brand glutinous rice flour is available on Amazon) Corn starch 🌽20-25g Butter 15-20g Milk 🥛150g (beat in the microwave for 30 seconds, just warm) 30g brown sugar (dissolve with 30g hot water) practice: 1. Mix sugar, glutinous rice flour, cornstarch, and warm milk. 2. Add butter (the glutinous rice will not be sticky if there is butter), stir it into a ball, divide it into 6 portions and press into small cakes. 3. Heat oil in a pan and fry the glutinous rice cakes until golden brown on both sides. 4. Put in the brown sugar water, close the juice over medium heat to dry up the sugar water, and the cakes are almost brown. Then let's eat! ! ! If you don’t want to drink brown sugar water cup by cup during a special period, make yourself a pink sugar glutinous rice cake~😆🌸🌸
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家里有糯米粉和红糖就可以做红糖糍粑啦!一直不知道小时候爱吃的零食做起来那么简单! 食材: 糯米粉150g(亚马逊上可以买到三象牌的糯米粉) 玉米淀粉corn starch🌽20-25g(家里没有可以不加,这是用来做粘合剂的,这样糯米不容易粘手) 黄油15-20g 牛奶🥛150g(微波炉里打30秒,温热的就可以) 红糖30g(拿30g热水化开) 做法: 1.把白糖,糯米粉,玉米淀粉混合,加温牛奶混合。 2.加黄油(有黄油了糯米就不粘手啦),搅拌成团了分成6份压成小饼。 3.平底锅加油中火把糯米饼煎到两面金黄。 4.下红糖水,中火收汁把糖水收干,饼饼变成褐色就差不多了。 然后开吃吧!!!如果是特殊时期不想一杯一杯喝红糖水,就给自己做粉红糖糍粑吧~😆🌸🌸