I recommend a drink that has been loved by everyone since childhood - lotus root starch. Although I’m not a picky eater now, but I didn’t eat a lot when I was a kid, so when other children drink milk, I drink lotus root starch, when other children drink soy milk powder, I also drink lotus root starch, and other children drink Gao Lego I was still drinking lotus root starch 😂😂😂 In the picture, I only took two boxes but added three tags, because there is still one flavor that I finished drinking. These two brands are quite easy to rinse, just pour a bowl of boiling water into it and stir a few times. The lotus root starch must be boiled, the temperature is low and it will be difficult to drink. It is a little gelatinous like the one in the picture, and the sweet taste is very good.
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推荐一波从小到大都爱喝的饮品——藕粉。虽然我现在不挑食,但是小时候不吃的东西是真的多,导致别的小朋友喝奶的时候我在喝藕粉,别的小朋友喝豆奶粉的时候我也在喝藕粉,别的小朋友喝高乐高的时候我还在喝藕粉😂😂😂 图里只拍了两盒却加了三个tag,是因为还有一个口味的喝完了。这两个牌子的都蛮容易冲开,一碗沸水直接倒进去搅拌几下就好。藕粉一定要沸水,温度低了冲不开会很难喝。冲开了就是图里这种有点凝胶状的样子,甜甜的口感很好。