Leo health care himself to post the list! ! Lower the lottery rate hahahahaha The express box is really super super super super nice! A full box, start health care, hahahaha, take advantage of the double eleven specials to stock up, the discount is full The following are recommended ders: Shanghai Wannianqing Crispy Biscuits: I liked it very much when I was a child, and I like it very much now. Every time I go to the supermarket, I will stock up on it. It is super crisp and not hard. When I was a child, I would eat it with milk for breakfast. Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟 Master Kong 3+2 Soda Sandwich Biscuits Fragrant Creamy Flavor: Creamy Flavor is recommended! ! ! freeking love it! ! ! When I was a child, it was a must-have at home. The sandwich is salty, super delicious, and never tired of eating! ! ! Must be creamy (the first few times I wanted to buy Yami, it was out of stock qaq Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟 Soak-free 18-grain rice: I used to buy all kinds of mixed black rice in Huachao before. I have never seen this before. I bought it out of curiosity. I was attracted by soaking-free. Then I immediately cooked the porridge the next day after opening the box. It was super delicious! ! It’s glutinous and it’s really 18 grains. There are 18 kinds of miscellaneous grains. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ! No soaking, the fly in the ointment is that the price is a little expensive Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟 🌟
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yami_featured_image 狮子座养生本人来晒单!! 拉低一下抽奖率哈哈哈哈哈哈 快递箱真的超级超级超级超级好看的!满满的一箱 开始养生 哈哈哈哈哈 趁着双十一特价来囤货 优惠满满 以下是推荐der: 上海万年青酥性饼干:小时候超喜欢啊 现在也超喜欢呀每次去超市都会各种囤货 超级酥的 不硬 小时候会泡着牛奶吃 当早餐很不错哦~ 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟 康师傅3+2苏打夹心饼干 香浓奶油味 :推荐奶油味!!!超级喜欢!!!小时候家里必备 夹心咸咸的 超级好吃 百吃不腻!!!一定要奶油味(前几次想买亚米都断货了qaq 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟 免泡十八谷米:之前在华超买的都是各种混合的黑米啊什么之类的 这个没见过 抱着好奇心买了 被免浸泡吸引啊简直懒人福利了有木有!然后开箱第二天立马煮了 煮了粥没有煮成饭 超级好吃的!!糯糯的 而且真的是十八谷 整整十八种杂粮 开始养生了哈哈哈哈哈 当早餐很不错 而且很快手!!免浸泡 美中不足的地方就是价格有点小贵啊 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟 🌟