#炸鸡厨房#Easy to make delicious and juicy fried chicken breasts. Take starch, salt, pepper, minced garlic in advance, add some oyster sauce and marinate overnight. The fried meat is very tender~ A simple lunch of less than three dollars, the chicken has a whole 300 grams, which is guaranteed to be healthy and satisfying 😏😏
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#炸鸡厨房#简单做出美味多汁的煎鸡胸。提前拿淀粉,盐,胡椒,蒜末,加点蚝油腌隔夜。煎出来的肉就很嫩啦~ 简单不到三美元的午餐,鸡肉有整整三百克,保证又健康又能吃的满足😏😏