#Yamibuy good things recommended# The delicious food I ordered at Yami a few days ago will share with you~ I used them both for my lunch bento as soon as they arrived 🍱 Hahaha This oatmeal is highly recommended for everyone to buy and cook multigrain rice with a QQ taste~🤤 Usually, everyone eats more refined grains and rice. It is also very healthy to eat a little coarse grains occasionally. This time I only added oatmeal, purple rice and white rice and cooked it for three days in a row haha! And Haidilao's bibimbap sauce promises me to buy it too! Although I really don't want to tell you that it is delicious, what should I do if it sells out 🌚 For the eggplant 🍆 st0 with minced pork in my bento, I added this sauce to stir-fried fried chicken with rice! You can also bibimbap without joking, this is completely a rice sweeping artifact hahahahaha! With this bibimbap sauce, I feel like the weight loss plan has to be put on hold again🤔 No matter what, stock up first, let's talk about it 🌚
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#Yamibuy好物推荐# 前几天在亚米下单的好吃的来和大家分享一下~ 刚到货就用它们两做了我的午餐便当🍱哈哈哈 这个燕麦很推荐大家买来煮杂粮饭口感QQ哒~🤤 平时大家多数吃精粮米饭比较多偶尔吃一点粗粮也很健康 我这次只加了燕麦紫米白米一起煮的连续吃了三天哈哈! 还有海底捞这个拌饭酱答应我也一定要买好吗! 虽然很不想告诉你们它很好吃怕万一卖断了我咋办🌚 我便当里的茄子🍆酿肉沫我就加了这个酱炒的炒鸡下饭! 还可以拌饭不开玩笑这完全就是饭扫光神器哈哈哈哈哈哈! 有了这个拌饭酱感觉减肥计划又要搁置一下了🤔 不管了先囤货再说吧嘻嘻🌚