Late Night Canteen - Sour and Spicy Boneless Chicken Jio! 🌶️ ————————————————————— 🤦🏻‍♀️I can really do anything to eat! Recently, I have been particularly craving for boneless chicken Jio, and I can only deboned it myself! But to be honest, the deboned chicken Jio is really super happy! 🤭 No need to keep spitting bones! It tastes crunchy! In the deboning tutorial, I even removed the 🦴 on the feet of a certain phonetic! Friends who really don't want to eviscerate can ignore this step Chicken Jio should be washed first, put cooking wine and ginger slices in the pot and cook for about 15 minutes Take it out and soak it in ice cube water to make it Q bomb! Chicken Jio that has been boiled and soaked in cold water is much easier to cut nails at this time Peel a little more garlic and smash or chop it with a food processor! Prepare the millet pepper in the same way as the garlic. If you like spicy food, add more! The more Liupo chili powder is added to the crushed garlic, the more fragrant it is! 🤤 Heat a proper amount of oil in a pan, then pour in the garlic chili powder and stir Pour 👉🏻6 spoons of white vinegar / 6 spoons of Haitian soy sauce / 3 spoons of sugar into the millet pepper Appropriate amount of Thai sweet chili sauce / appropriate amount of rattan pepper oil 👈🏻 Stir and stir well! Then mix it with the garlic paste that has just been poured into the oil, and then chop some coriander into it! Re-processed chicken Jio to enter and mix well Just put it in the crisper and refrigerate overnight to let it taste delicious~ Less sauce may not fully soak the chicken jio Take them out and stir to fully absorb the sauce! Hot and sour chicken Jio is really suitable to hold and eat while cooking 🤭 Simply not too convenient! There is nothing wrong with it except that deboning is too troublesome! # 开年吃大餐 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #
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深夜食堂 —— 酸爽麻辣的无骨鸡Jio!🌶️ ——————————————————— 🤦🏻‍♀️为了吃我真的是什么都干得出来! 最近特别馋无骨鸡Jio只能自己剔骨了! 不过说真的剔骨过的鸡Jio一口一个真的超幸福!🤭 不需要一个劲的吐骨头!吃起来嘎嘣脆! 剔骨的教程看某音学的连脚上的🦴都去掉了! 实在不想剔骨的朋友可以忽略这个步骤 鸡Jio要先洗净锅里放料酒姜片煮15分钟左右 捞出来过凉水后浸泡在冰块水里这样才会Q弹! 煮过泡过冷水的鸡Jio这时候剪指甲就容易多了 多剥一点蒜头用料理机打碎或者切碎! 准备小米椒处理方式和蒜头一样爱吃辣就多放点! 打碎的蒜泥里加入六婆辣椒粉越多越香!🤤 锅中加热适量的油然后泼到蒜泥辣椒粉里搅拌搅拌 小米椒里倒入👉🏻6勺白醋/6勺海天酱油/3勺糖 适量泰式甜辣酱/适量藤椒油👈🏻搅拌搅拌均匀! 再和刚才泼好油的蒜泥混合再切点香菜进去! 再处理好的鸡Jio到进入拌一拌均匀 就装进保鲜盒冷藏一晚上让它入入味哈~ 酱汁比较少可能无法完全浸泡到鸡Jio 适当的拿出来搅拌让它们充分的吸满酱汁! 酸辣的鸡Jio真的很适合煲剧的时候抱着吃🤭 简直不要太方便!除了剔骨太麻烦其他没毛病! # 开年吃大餐 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #