# 春日面膜打卡 ## 晒单闪现抢积分 #【First day of check-in】buy 2 get 1 free plus discount of $1. I have never used this mask before and I was pleasantly surprised by the results. First of all, the mask paper is very soft and has strong adhesion, and secondly, the one in the middle is not a narrow one, it is very friendly to children's shoes with medium length! There is also more area around the eyes to take care of. There is also a lot of essence in the bag, and it is not sticky after application and not dry after washing. Will definitely repurchase this.
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# 春日面膜打卡 ## 晒单闪现抢积分 #【打卡第一天】买二赠一的活动加上折扣1刀都不到。这款面膜以前没用过,结果让我很惊喜。首先面膜纸很软贴合力强,其次人中那块终于不是窄窄的一条,对人中长的童鞋很友好!眼周照顾得到的面积也多一些。袋子里精华也不少,敷完不粘洗完不干。这款一定会回购。