# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 我要当测评官第5期 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 ## 春日粉色即正义 # Today's specialty dish is steamed shrimp with garlic fresh and delicious Benefits for garlic lovers Garlic Steamed Shrimp, Garlic Scallops, Garlic Enoki Mushrooms, Garlic Eggplant indian garlic naan It's all my love 🍓 Well, without further ado, let’s introduce the preparation of ingredients and the specific methods. Ingredients: a pound of shrimp, a whole garlic, ginger, soy sauce, salt, steamed fish soy sauce, coriander, vermicelli practice: 1. Open the back of the shrimp and remove the shrimp line 2. Soak the vermicelli in water to soften in advance, then spread the prepared shrimp evenly on top 3. Ginger and garlic are minced and set aside 4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add the prepared minced ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, add soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce and an appropriate amount of salt 5. Pour the fried garlic paste on the shrimp and vermicelli. After the water is boiled, put it in the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes. 6. Sprinkle with coriander leaves and stir a little to dip in the soup.
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# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 我要当测评官第5期 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 ## 春日粉色即正义 # 今天带来的拿手好菜是蒜蓉蒸虾 鲜爽可口 garlic爱好者的福利呦 蒜蓉蒸虾、蒜蓉鲜贝、蒜蓉金针菇、蒜蓉茄子 印度的garlic naan 统统都是我的爱🍓 好了,话不多说,下面就介绍食材准备和具体做法。 食材:虾一斤,大蒜一整颗,姜,生抽,盐,蒸鱼豉油,香菜,粉丝 做法: 1. 虾开背、去虾线 2. 粉丝提前放水中泡软,然后将准备好的虾均匀的铺在上面 3.姜蒜剁成末待用 4.锅中倒入适量的油,放入准备好的姜蒜末炒香,加入生抽、蒸鱼豉油和适量的盐 5.将炒好的蒜泥浇在虾和粉丝上,水开后放入蒸锅中蒸15分钟左右 6.出锅撒上香菜叶稍微搅拌蘸上汤汁即可