Homemade Healthy Dried Fruits at Home

What should I do if I have too much fruit at home? Make it into dried fruit! Discounted fruit but don't know how to eat it? Make it into dried fruit!

Especially if there are children at home, it is more suitable to make some dried fruits and keep them at home. Compared with traditional snacks with high salt and high sugar, dried fruits will be much healthier, and children can also It will be easy to develop the habit of healthy eating.




Dry food can be stored for a long time even at room temperature because it has lost its internal moisture. I choose to store it in an airtight glass jar at room temperature.

I will often buy a lot of fruits such as mangoes, apples, strawberries, blueberries, etc. when they are on sale. Some of them are eaten directly, and the other is made of dried fruits and stored as snacks. eat.

The food dehydrator is really easy to use. Different machines have different settings. Generally, the temperature will be attached to indicate how long it takes for what kind of ingredients. I bought my machine from amazon a long time ago, and now there are many electronic ones that are more advanced and more functional. If you don't have a dehydrator, you can use the low temperature of the oven instead.




The dehydrator can be used not only to make dried fruit, but also to make beef jerky or pork jerky. There are also many methods on the Internet. My favorite is spicy beef jerky and Korean style pork jerky. The method is also very simple. The beef stuffing is added with chili powder and five-spice powder, and then it is made into strips with a special mold. The dried pork is also marinated in Korean sauce to make strips and dehydrated.

Dried apples are what I do most often. It is not difficult at all. Put the sliced fruit into the dehydrator for use130-135°FDo6-8 In an hour, the water can be dehydrated and made into dried fruit. I personally prefer apple peels, if you don't like them, you can peel them in advance.




Two things to note are:

1. Do not overfill at one time or it will affect the drying effect.

2. When slicing, you can prepare a pot of cold water, add a few drops of white vinegar or lemon juice, and cut it well Putting sliced apples in can give up the oxidation and blackening of the surface.

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1. 一次不要放的过满不然会影响脱干效果。

2. 切片的时候可以准备一盆凉水,加入几滴白醋或者柠檬汁,把切好片的苹果放进去可以放弃表面氧化发黑。

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