# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Sesame dumplings Occasionally, I always want to eat something that is deeply hidden in my memory. It’s almost New Year’s Day. When I was a child, we would go to my grandma’s house on the second day of the new year. For dessert, my grandma's favorite thing to make is sesame dumplings, which means reunion. The skin of the glutinous rice balls is based on my hand feel. If you like more elastic, you can use glutinous rice flour and sticky rice flour. The ratio is 7:3. I usually use glutinous rice flour directly, add a little water directly, and knead it into a ball. If it is too dry, add some water. If it is too wet, add some glutinous rice flour. It can be formed into a ball as shown in the picture. If it is too wet, it is easy to deform. It is better to be dry. Roll the dough into a long strip and shape it into a small ball. Turn clockwise out of the bowl, wrap the sesame filling in the middle and roll it into a round ball, freeze it, take a few out and cook it when you want to eat it. After the water in the pot is boiled, at this time Turn down the heat a little bit, put the dumplings in carefully, cover and cook for three or four minutes, move the pot to avoid sticking to the bottom, it is better to put more water, wait for the dumplings to float and turn off the heat and cook for another two or three minutes. Yes. The sugar content you make yourself can be controlled. It is too sweet and easy to get tired. After eating and drinking, a bowl of glutinous rice balls will relieve the tiredness! It's almost New Year's Eve, you can do it ✌️!
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 芝麻汤圆 偶尔总会想吃一些深藏在记忆里的东西,快过年了,小时候每年的初二这一天我们都会去姥姥家,舅舅姨姨们帮着姥姥煮好几桌子的菜,吃完还会弄点甜点啥的,姥姥最喜欢做的就是芝麻汤圆,寓意着团团圆圆. 汤圆的外皮我都是凭手感,喜欢更Q弹的可以用糯米粉和粘米粉相掺,比例7:3,我一般直接用糯米粉,直接掺水一点点的加,揉成团就行了,太干的话加点水,太湿的话加点糯米粉,像图中成团就可以,太湿的话容易变形,偏干点较好.面团搓成长条,弄成小丸子用大拇指压在丸子中间,顺时针的方向转出碗状,再把芝麻馅放中间包起来搓成圆丸子,急冻起来,想吃的时候拿几颗出来煮一下就可以开吃了.锅里水开后,这时要把火关小一点点,小心的把汤圆放进去,盖起来煮三四分钟动一下锅以免粘底了,水放多较好,等汤圆浮起来后关小火再煮两三分钟就可以了.自己做的糖度可以控制太甜了容易腻,大吃大喝后来一碗汤圆解解腻!快过年了可以做起来了✌️!