# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 方家铺子 ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation3151 fd3c1343299841a0b3db97c36a ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation fdca651e6a77493886886aaf6a9d0f0c ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationb0bd556bf79641e597b4aa170c6dd2d 6# When eating hot pot, many people will order hairy tripe and cook it in the pot. Now there is also a kind of vegetarian hairy tripe, which is made of konjac. It is cooked in a hot pot and has a special flavor. Control the cooking time. It tastes even comparable to the taste of real hairy belly. Konjac vegetable tripe is a kind of food that is easy to cook, and the main food is its crisp, tender and smooth taste. If it is cooked for too long, the taste will become too pliable, and it may even appear The phenomenon of boiling, so the cooking time of konjac vegetable tripe should not be too long, generally about 2 minutes is enough. There are many ways to eat vegetarian tripe. Stir frying is also a common way of eating. Generally, when making fried vegetarian tripe, you don’t need to cook it first, but you need to scald the vegetarian tripe in boiling water for a while, and then fish it Come out and fry, so that it is easier to taste and taste better.
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# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 方家铺子 # # 2022双节快乐 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 吃火锅的时候,很多人都会点毛肚放进锅里煮,现在也有一种素毛肚,是用魔芋制成的,放进火锅里煮着吃,也别有一番风味,控制好煮的时候,吃起来甚至能和真正的毛肚口感媲美。 魔芋素毛肚是一种很容易煮熟的食物,并且主要食用的就是其脆嫩、爽滑的口感,要是煮的时间过久,口感就会变的变的过于柔韧,甚至还有可能出现煮散的现象,所以魔芋素毛肚煮的时间不宜过长,一般2分钟左右就可以了。 素毛肚的吃法多种多样,炒着吃也是一种常见的吃法,一般制作炒素毛肚的时候,不用先煮,但需要先将素毛肚用沸水烫一会,之后再捞出来炒,这样更容易入味,口感更好。