#开年吃大餐 ##百万积分第五季 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation8e95c61a0592429a8d2 New Year's Eve dinner 🎆 The first time I spent 2.5 hours cooking a table full of dishes, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Although there are only two people eating, but there must be a sense of ritual for the festival haha. P2 Braised chicken drumsticks, first filter the drumsticks with hot water, then put them in a pot, add water to cover the drumsticks. Peel two garlic, heat oil, add cooking wine, light soy sauce and leaf ginger powder seasoning, cook for about half an hour. Add coriander leaves to garnish. You can add the right amount of dried chili and pepper according to your own taste. P3 Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs, made it for the first time. The ribs are heated with water, filtered, and then dried. Add the right amount of salt and sugar. Add cornstarch and egg wash and coat well. Then put it in the wok, add the sweet and sour pork ribs sauce purchased by Yami, and pour it evenly on the pork ribs. P4 Sour Soup Fat Beef Roll. Fry the enoki mushrooms in a frying pan until half-ripe, add Yami's self-purchased sour soup and fat beef seasoning, add the fat beef rolls, and take it out after about 3 minutes. P5 Tofu and Fruit Stewed Pork Knuckles. Filter the pig's feet with hot water first, add ginger slices, rock sugar, dry chili, star anise, Sichuan pepper and soy sauce, cook for about 1.5 hours, add tofu fruit and salt and cook for 20 minutes before serving. P6 fungus pork ribs soup, the same ribs are filtered with hot water, then boiled over high heat, add ginger, and then turn to low heat. After cooking for about 1 hour, add the fungus and appropriate amount of salt, and simmer for another 20 minutes. The fish cake bought in the P7 supermarket can be fried and baked, and it is convenient to make. Although it takes a long time, it is worthwhile to have such memories on this unforgettable day! Finally, ㊗️The rice balls are going well, happy new year🍾️
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Yamiセレクション # 开年吃大餐 ## 百万积分第五季 ## 我要当测评官第4期 # 除夕年夜饭🎆 第一次一个人花了2.5个小时做了满满一桌子的菜,很有成就感。虽然只有两个人吃,但是要有过节的仪式感哈哈。 P2红烧鸡腿,先把鸡腿用热水过滤一遍,然后放入烧锅中,加水没过鸡腿。剥两颗蒜热油,加入料酒生抽酱油和叶子生姜粉调料,煮约半小时。加入香菜叶点缀即可。可根据自己的口味加入适量的干辣椒和花椒。 P3甜酸排骨,第一次做。排骨加热水过滤一遍,然后晾干,加入适量的盐和糖。加生粉和鸡蛋液裹匀待用。然后放在炒锅里,加入亚米自营购入的甜酸排骨酱,均匀的浇在排骨粒上即可。 P4酸汤肥牛卷。金针菇先放入炒锅炒至半成熟,加入亚米自营购入的酸汤肥牛调味料,加入肥牛卷,约3分钟后即可捞出来食用。 P5豆腐果炖猪脚。猪脚先用热水过滤,加入生姜片冰糖干辣椒八角花椒生抽酱油,煮约1.5小时,加入豆腐果和盐再煮20分钟即可食用。 P6木耳排骨汤,一样的排骨用热水过滤,然后大火煮开后,加入生姜,然后转小火。煮约1小时后,加入木耳和适量的盐,再炖20分钟。 P7超市买的fish cake,油炸烘烤都可以,做着方便。 虽然耗时较长,但是在这难忘的日子里有这样的回忆也是很值得了! 最后,㊗️饭团儿们猪事顺利,新年快乐🍾️