Yami 특선
🌷Crazy calling for the skin key facial cleanser, I have used countless facial cleansers, and never one bottle has been used up and thrown away. Since I used this one, I started to stock up. 🌷Skin care really varies from person to person. It doesn't mean that you use it well for others. Even the famous la mer is the saddest, super dry, and he can't even smile after washing his face, he is really speechless. 🌷 I have only used the moisturizing version, the taste is very fresh, I will recommend it for a lifetime! After washing, it is super comfortable, moisturizing and moisturizing without rushing to apply cream, you can smile boldly without fear but dry out wrinkles. 🌷 After fighting acne for many years, I finally found a facial cleanser that suits me and became my acne terminator. (Anti-acne starts from cleansing the skin) 🌷It is very clean with the face wash. Only take the size of soybean every time. The foam is rich and delicate like cream. The most important thing is not to feel tight after washing! And the amount of super-province, one can use five or six months, especially durable. # 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #
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Yami 특선 🌷疯狂为肌肤之钥洗面奶打call,用过无数只洗面奶,从没有一瓶是用完扔掉的.自从用了这只就开始囤货了. 🌷护肤还真是因人而异,你好用不代表他人也好用.即使大名鼎鼎的la mer最悲催,超拔干,洗完脸都不敢笑,真的很无语. 🌷这款我只用过滋润版,味道很清新,一生推!洗完超舒服,滋润保湿都不用急着涂面霜,可以放心大胆地笑不怕却干出皱纹. 🌷抗痘多年,终于找到了适合自己的洗面奶,成为我的痘终结者.(抗痘要从洁肤做起) 🌷配合洗脸刷非常干净,每次只取黄豆大小,泡沫丰富细腻跟奶油似的,洗完脸不紧绷最重要!而且用量超级省,一只可以用5,6个月,特耐用.# 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #