
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 油茶 # # 兆辉 油茶 # # 牛骨髓油茶 #油茶的第三天,牛骨髓油茶,也是每包里有十小包,这款是咸的,看配料表是添加了牛骨髓油,怪不得在冲泡的时候油味较It is strong, but this oil has a strong smell, and it is estimated to be beef bone marrow oil. Because I went to work early today, I took it to the office to wash it. The boiling water is also warm. I didnt expect it to

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# 油茶 # # 德富祥 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation455ebb41d4924a0789cb看完直播来一碗油茶面,德富祥 中老年油茶面,一包里面有十小包,配料表上的香辛料看得我瑟瑟发抖😥,最怕花椒和茴香,幸好不是很多,偶尔一两口真的会Being late, the numbness of peppercorns is really scary and I want to eat it.Open the visible nuts, black and white sesame seeds, boiled water and stir it

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# 油茶 # # 兆辉 油茶 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation9168254b4215de 1 # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation9168254b4215de油茶 I have never heard of or eaten, and the big stomach needs on the cover caught my mothers attention! Must try, really good! In the early years of the year, when gastritis bro

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# 我的囤货清单 #Has everyone grabbed the 0.1 N95? Recently, the epidemic situation has become more advanced, there are not too many masks, the expiration date is short, and they have been taken out for use. A little bit of N95 deserves to be N95, life is more important, wear masks to protect yourself and

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# 我的囤货清单 #Korean Nongxin instant noodles, one that is not greasy, non-fried, just the seasoning package is relatively simple, every time I cook it, I add vegetables and meat hard, the seasoning package has a strong taste, and I put more than half of it each time Order and have a meal every now and t

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# 我的囤货清单 #Youyogurt The best drink is the original flavor. I have tried the strawberry flavor and it is not good, but the original flavor won my heart! As soon as I get home from get out of class, I will bring a box, and then have some snacks that the children yearn for! A touch of sweet and sour, n

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# 我的囤货清单 # Nine Fortune Pineapple Cake The most repurchased pineapple cake should belong to it. It is the first time I have eaten pineapple cake in the United States. The price is good and the taste is good.

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# 我的囤货清单 #海天 Extremely fresh soy sauce Highly recommended! I have always been accustomed to June fresh, and I have never thought to try other brands. I estimate that it will be very fresh in the sea and the sky for a long time in the future! Super delicious! I think I can eat a bowl of rice as long

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# 我的囤货清单 #Original Forest White Strawberry Coconut Sparkling Water, White strawberries are very popular this year, I didn’t expect that Esaay Forest is so fashionable, what’s new will come out! The white strawberry itself has a light taste. This sparkling water does not taste strawberry for me? ! It

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# 我的囤货清单 #Minute Maid Juice Peach Peach Juice Drink I think this drink is convenient and not so good. Drinking it alone is light, but if it is delicious with oolong tea, you can try it in the ratio of 2:1, it is very good Delicious.

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