Yami 특선
# 五行缺辣 Finally got the broken rice sprouts that I have been wanting to buy at Yami. There are many ways to use broken rice sprouts, and they are crunchy and a little sour. Today I'm here to share with you my favorite recipe for Broken Rice Sprout Chicken Sauce. Chicken can also be replaced with pork or ground beef. This is quite salty by itself. I use it as a sauce and put it in the noodles and rice. It is recommended not to add salt when making it. Taste it before it comes out of the pot and decide if it needs to be added. Personally, I don't feel it is very spicy, so I added some spicy soybean paste and fresh chili to increase the spiciness, and it was really delicious after making it! The rest can be put in a small jar and stored in the refrigerator for use as you like. I think it is much more delicious than many commercially available bibimbap sauces. 😋 <ingredients> Half a chicken breast diced White pepper A teaspoon of cornstarch 1 egg white chopped green onion minced garlic Spicy Soy Sauce Broken Rice Sprout Sauce green pepper a teaspoon of sugar <How to> 1. After dicing the chicken, add a small amount of salt and pepper, add cornstarch and mix well, then add egg white and marinate for about 15 minutes. 2. Fry chopped shallots and minced garlic in a hot pan with oil, add chicken breast, fry until discolored, add spicy soybean paste, and then add crushed rice sprouts paste according to your own taste. Stir fry for a minute or two, add green peppers, and add sugar before serving.
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Yami 특선 # 五行缺辣 ## 亚米食谱 # # 开学第一单 # 终于在亚米买到了一直想买的碎米芽菜。碎米芽菜使用方法超级多,本身脆脆的还有些酸味,特别下饭,做成酱或者炒着吃都是极好的。今天我来和大家分享一下我喜欢的碎米芽鸡肉酱的做法。鸡肉也可以换成猪肉或者牛肉糜。 这款本身比较咸,我都当成酱放到面条和米饭里,建议在做的时候不要放盐,等出锅前尝一尝再决定是不是需要加。我个人感觉不是很辣,所以我加入了一些辣黄豆酱好喝鲜辣椒来增加辣度,做好之后真的超好吃!剩下的装到小罐子里放冰箱可以随吃随用,我觉得比很多市售的拌饭酱好吃多了。😋 <食材> 半块鸡胸肉切丁 白胡椒粉 一小勺生粉 鸡蛋清1个 葱碎 蒜蓉 辣黄豆酱 碎米芽酱 青辣椒 一小勺白糖 <做法> 1. 鸡肉切丁后加少量盐和胡椒粉,加生粉拌匀后再加入鸡蛋清腌制15分钟左右。 2. 热锅下油炒香葱碎和蒜蓉,加入鸡胸肉,炒到变色后加入辣黄豆酱,再根据自己口味加碎米芽酱。翻炒一两分钟后加青辣椒,出锅前放白糖。