Yami 특선
# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # Continue to recommend Yami Goods. Like someone said. Yami took over my "daily" Bathing and shampooing products at home are all purchased from Yami. Among them, the most frequently repurchased brand is South Korea [Ryo·Lu]. This time, Lu's brown series three-piece set is only $26.99. then. Immediately place an order. Ryo has a lot of series. There are anti-dandruff. Oil control. Repair damage and so on. It is also divided into dry skin and oily skin. Can meet the needs of a variety of people. We have tried almost every series in our family. They are really good. What I recommend today is that I haven't used it before. This brown focuses on nourishing and strengthening roots. For people with severe hair loss. Contains 2 cans of shampoo and 1 can of conditioner. The shampoo has a mild herbal scent. I find it smells good. The herbal scent of the conditioner is also super nice. Been using this for the past few days. Washed hair is softer and smoother. But if it is 2 cans of conditioner and 1 can of shampoo, it will be better. After all, my family has a lot of demand for conditioners, haha.
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Yami 특선 # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 继续推荐亚米好物. 想某人说的.亚米承包了我的“日常” 家里沐浴.洗发产品都是购于亚米的呢. 其中回购牌子次数最多的要数韩国【Ryo·吕】了. 这次吕的棕色系列三件套只要$26.99. 于是. 立马下单啦. Ryo的系列非常多. 有去屑.控油.修复受损等等.还分干皮油皮. 能够满足各种不同的人群需求. 我们家几乎每个系列都试用过了.真的都不错. 我今天推荐的是这款之前还没用过呢. 这款棕色主打滋养强健发根. 针对脱发严重的人群哦. 包含了2罐洗发水和一罐护发素. 洗发水味道是淡淡的药材味. 我觉得闻着很舒服. 护发素的药草香也是超级好闻. 这几天一直在用这套. 洗出来的秀发更加柔软顺滑了. 不过如果是2罐护发素加一罐洗发水搭配就更好了. 毕竟我家是护发素需求量比较大哈哈.