# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # Kelaisi protein moisturizing mask, based on protein, contains various natural plant vitamins, and increases moisturizing power. The ultra-thin mask paper is very docile. I like the design of the lip part with some small cross-section masks. It's time to save even the lip mask! outstanding! The viscous white lotion essence smells very good, and the skin is brighter after applying it!
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 可莱丝蛋白质补水面膜,以蛋白质为基础,含各种天然植物维生素,增加保湿力.超薄面膜纸,挺服帖的,最喜欢它的设计在唇部部分多了一些小截面膜,敷的时候刚好连唇膜都省了!出色!粘稠的白色乳液精华,味道很好闻,敷完皮肤亮了一个度!