# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # If you want to lose weight successfully, you have to keep your mouth shut. If you want to drink a drink, you can cook it yourself. Red bean and barley water is a good choice to remove dampness and reduce edema. Half a cup of barley and red bean, fry the barley with low heat until lightly yellow, soak the red bean for more than 3 hours, add 6-8 cups of water to boil, then turn to low heat and cook for about 45 minutes.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 要想减肥成功先得管住嘴,想喝饮料可以自己煮吧,赤豆薏米水就是一个好选择,祛湿又消水肿。 薏米和赤小豆各半杯,将薏米用小火炒至微黄,赤小豆浸泡3小时以上,加6-8杯水煮烧开后转小火煮45分钟左右即可。