#春季养身计划# Received President brand Cordyceps flowers, 8 OZ per bag, which is the fruiting body of Golden Cordyceps. I didn’t quite understand it, so I checked the seller’s description: The fruiting body of Cordyceps is called "Cordyceps flower" in order to distinguish it from Cordyceps. The biggest feature in appearance is that there is no "worm body", but only orange or yellow "grass"; Cordyceps flower is mild in nature, neither cold nor dry, has the effects of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, protecting the liver and nourishing blood, and is mainly used to treat cough and shortness of breath caused by deficiency of both lungs and kidneys; It has been medically proven that Cordyceps flower can balance hormones and improve immunity. It is suitable for people with liver and kidney yin deficiency. There are more than ten cooking methods on the packaging bag. Take out the existing ingredients and prepare a health and beauty soup: golden caterpillar fungus, fresh shiitake mushrooms, lily, wolfberry, sea coconut, bamboo shredded chicken stew pot. 1. Wash Cordyceps flowers, wolfberry, fresh mushrooms, lilies, and sea coconuts with water, and soak them in warm water in a stewing pot. 2. Cut the thawed Canadian bamboo shredded chicken into two parts, each weighing about one pound, blanch half of them with boiling water to produce white foam, and wash with clean water for later use; 3. Put ginger slices into the stewing pot, sprinkle a little salt, and finally put bamboo shredded chicken pieces, use the slow stew function for 2.8 hours, and you can enjoy delicious soup.
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# 春季养身计划 # 收到总统牌虫草花,8 OZ 每袋,是金虫草子实体,不太懂于是查阅了商家说明: 虫草的草子实体,为了跟冬虫草区别,被称作“虫草花”,外观上最大特点是没了“虫体”,而只有橙色或黄色的“草”; 虫草花性质平和、不寒不燥,具有补肺益肾、护肝养血功效,主治由肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽气促; 医学证明虫草花有平衡荷尔蒙和提高免疫力作用,适合肝肾阴虚人士食用,是季节交替调理身体的保健佳品。 包装袋上有十多种烹饪方法,拿出现有的食材,准备煲个养生美容汤:金虫草、鲜香菇、百合、枸杞、海底椰、竹丝鸡炖盅。 一、虫草花、枸杞、鲜香菇、百合、海底椰,用水略清洗,在炖盅里放适量温开水泡好。 二、化冻的加拿大竹丝鸡,切成两部分,各约一磅重,用开水将其中的一半焯出白沫,清水洗净备用; 三、生姜切片放入炖盅,撒少许食盐,最后搁入竹丝鸡块,使用慢炖功能2.8小时,即可享用美味煲汤。