# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 厨房必备神器 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 健康食品 # My hairline is so hard to keep, no matter if it is useful or not, I will eat it first just for the clean ingredients list~(¯▽¯~) The black sesame has a strong aroma and is not too sweet, which is a perfect snack for us sugar-resistant pig girls It is said that health care starts at the age of 20. Although I seem to have started a little late, I still keep up with the fashion trends of the people before the New Year↑ Happily watching a drama, you can also have some, and then add Tremella soup, mung bean soup, absolutely🎶🎶
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 厨房必备神器 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 健康食品 # 我那留不住的发际线,不管有用没用,就这干净的配料表,我就先吃为敬~(¯▽¯~) 黑芝麻的香味很浓郁,不会齁甜,正是我们这些抗糖猪猪女孩的绝佳零食 都说养生已经从20岁就开始了,虽然我好像开始的晚了些,但是年前人的时尚潮流我还是压跟上↑ 开开心心追个剧,还可以来点,再配个银耳羹,绿豆羹,绝🎶🎶