Yami 특선
[Xiaxia Kitchen🍥Snowskin Mooncake] Here are the snowskin mooncakes made by yourself~ Snowskin mooncakes are actually the best kind of mooncakes. They are very suitable for beginners and easy to use. You can find the recipes from the lower kitchen. Here I will provide you with some experiences that are not in the recipes, which can help newbies get started faster 😎 1. It is best to steam the snow skin one day in advance, and store it in the refrigerator overnight, so that the skin will not be too sticky. 2. If the snow skin is not sticky at all, it means that the proportion of flour is wrong. Such moon cakes will crack in less than a day. If the snow skin is particularly sticky, even if it is left overnight, it does not improve, that is, the snow skin is not steamed. 3. In order to prevent the ice skin from sticking to your hands, my little trick is: grab a piece of ice skin and press it on the front and back of the fried glutinous rice flour. Both sides are covered with powder, and it will become glutinous. But not sticky anymore. 4. Before pressing the moon cake, add cooked flour on both the mold and the moon cake, especially roll a large circle on the moon cake, and then shake off the excess. If the cooked flour is not enough, the ice skin will stick to the mold and destroy the shape. Too much cooked flour will affect the pattern on the moon cake. 5. The production of moon cake fillings, if it is red bean, mung bean, taro, bean paste, pumpkin, the principle is the same. After the ingredients are cooked, they are crushed, and then add sugar and oil to fry in the pot over low heat. This is to remove the filling. moisture. When cooking and steaming ingredients, you can use a pressure cooker to improve efficiency. For example, red beans are too inefficient to be crushed with a rolling pin. Here we recommend the Instant pot 7-in-1 electric pressure cooker. A bag of red beans can be done in 2-3 hours with the function of beans. 6. The storage of snowskin mooncakes is also more particular. The mooncakes should be neatly arranged in the lunch box in turn, covered with a sealed lid, or carefully placed in a fresh-keeping bag, one bag for each mooncake, and placed one by one without overlapping. The snow skin mooncakes that have just been made are relatively soft and are easily deformed during extrusion, so the appearance will not be good! All in all, for beginners, snowskin mooncakes need to be brave enough to try, and it takes time to test patience and carefulness, but giving lovers and friends a hand-made snowskin mooncake is a happy thing for both parties!
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Yami 특선 【夏夏厨房🍥冰皮月饼】奉上亲手做的冰皮月饼哟~ 冰皮月饼其实是月饼里最好做的一种,非常适合新手,很容易上手的。 菜谱大家可以从下厨房搜到,这里我给大家提供几个菜谱里没有的经验之谈,可以帮助新手更快上手呢😎 1、冰皮最好提前一天蒸好,在冷藏室里密封放置一夜,这样皮就不会太粘手。 2、如果冰皮完全不粘手那就是面粉比例不对,这样的月饼放置不到一天冰皮就会开裂。如果冰皮特别粘手,即使放置一晚上也并没有改善,那就是冰皮没有蒸熟。 3、为了避免冰皮粘手,我的小诀窍是:抓好一块冰皮,在炒熟的糯米粉里面,正反面各压一下,双面都沾满了粉,就会变的糯糯的却又不粘手了。 4、压月饼之前,要在模具和月饼上都加上熟粉哦,尤其是月饼上要滚一大圈,再把多余的抖掉。如果熟粉不够,冰皮会粘到模具上破坏形状,熟粉太多就会影响月饼上的花纹。 5、月饼馅的制作,如果是红豆、绿豆、芋头、豆沙、南瓜,那原理都一样,食材煮熟之后碾碎,然后小火在锅内加入糖和油炒,这是为了去除馅里的水分。煮、蒸食材的时候可以借助高压锅提高效率。比如红豆,用擀面杖压碎效率太低。这里推荐一下Instant pot 7合一电高压锅。一袋红豆用beans的功能2-3小时就能搞定。 6、冰皮月饼的存放也比较讲究,要把月饼依次整齐地排列在饭盒里,盖上密封盖,或者是小心地放到保鲜袋里面,每个月饼一个袋子,挨个摆好,不要重叠。刚做好的冰皮月饼因为皮比较软,很容易在挤压中变形,那样卖相就不好啦! 总而言之呢,冰皮月饼对于初学者来说要勇于尝试,比较花时间也考验耐心和细心,但是给爱人和朋友一份亲手做的冰皮月饼是一件双方都幸福感满满的事情呢!