Yami 특선
Homemade Creamy Custard Mooncake Ehe! There are recipes in the kitchen, so I won't describe them one by one! A few points to note: [1] The dough must be remembered not to be too dry! ! ! If you find that it is not very smooth and cracked when kneading, it is recommended to add a little more butter. [2] When wrapping the outermost layer of skin, beginners can try to add as many grams of dough as possible, otherwise it will be easy to bake and burst if it cannot be wrapped. [3] After wrapping, if you find that the dough is a little warm and soft, put it in the refrigerator to wake up for half an hour before pressing the film, otherwise the shape will not look good. [4] After pressing the film, it must be frozen for more than 4 hours before baking! ! stereotype 【5】Remember to spray water with spray before baking [6] If the skin is still soft after baking, it means that the skin is still soft. Re-freeze and bake for 8-10 minutes. I wish everyone can eat their own milky custard hahahahahaha
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Yami 특선 自制的流心奶黄月饼诶嘿! 下厨房上都有方子我就不一一描述啦! 稍微提几点需要注意的地方: 【1】面团一定一定切记不能过干!!!揉的时候如果发现不能很光滑会有干裂的建议稍微多加点黄油。 【2】包最外层皮的时候,新手可以尽量多加点面团克数,不然包不住的话很容易烤爆 【3】包完发现面团有点温热湿软的话放冰箱醒面半个小时以后再压膜,不然形状会不好看。 【4】压完膜一定冻4小时以上再烤!!定型 【5】烤前记得用喷雾喷水 【6】若烤完后放凉发现皮子还是软的说明没烤透,重新冷冻后烤制8-10分钟 祝大家都能吃上自己做的流心奶黄哈哈哈哈哈哈