some seafood archives ✨Marinate the salmon with a small amount of coarse sea salt and black pepper, add ten drops of lemon juice for ten minutes, then pat off the sea salt and fry until fully cooked, delicious ✨Mash garlic + lemon juice + chopped celery + minced black pepper + two tablespoons of butter, put it on the processed lobster tail, then pour half a teaspoon of butter, bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for ten minutes, it's delicious ✨King crab legs are delicious either sashimi or steamed ((٩(´͈ᗨ`͈)۶))
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一些海鲜存档 ✨三文鱼用少量粗粒海盐和黑胡椒末加十滴柠檬汁腌制十分钟然后拍掉海盐煎至全熟很好吃 ✨蒜蓉+柠檬汁+西芹碎+黑椒末+两勺黄油拌匀放到处理好的龙虾尾肉上 再淋半勺黄油 进烤箱400度烤十分钟很好吃 ✨帝王蟹腿刺身或者蒸都很好吃 ((٩(´͈ᗨ`͈)۶))