Yami 특선
Homemade Vietnamese Chicken Pho 🤤 Vietnamese Classic Chicken Pho made the day before yesterday! Brown sugar, fish sauce, toasted coriander seeds, coriander stalks, roasted onions and garlic, ginger and chicken bones To be honest, what I find interesting about Southeast Asian flavors is that it’s actually hard to tell what seasonings are really added! Pan fry the chicken after it has been cooked in the stock! It will be more fragrant! Super amazing, even if you make your own dishes, you will feel the flavor is unique Lemongrass and galangal are the ones that my taste buds can recognize the most... I have to think about other things in my mind 😂 I plan to try the beef pho for the second time in a few days Making chicken bone soup ramen tomorrow! !
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Yami 특선 自制越南Chicken Pho🤤 前天做的越南Classic Chicken Pho! 黄糖,鱼露,烘过的coriander seed,香菜梗,烤过的洋葱和蒜,姜 和鸡骨熬啊熬啊熬 说实话我觉得东南亚风味很有趣的就是其实很难吃出真的加了点什么调味料! 鸡肉在高汤里煮过以后再用锅煎一下!会更香! 超级神奇的 就算自己做的料理细品也就是觉得风味独特 我到现在味蕾最能识别的也就香茅和南姜…吃别的脑子里还要想一想😂 过几天打算第二次尝试熬beef pho 明天做鸡骨汤拉面!!