Yami 특선
Late night canteen 🤫——Second kill BBQ garlic vermicelli scallops Does anyone love grilled scallops as much as I do? ? ? 🙋🏻 I really don't know who invented this fairy-like food! So delicious! So decided to make it myself at home! It's not difficult to do it yourself without the trouble of dealing with scallops 🌚 Well actually I can't buy fresh scallops 🤭 Hahaha Share a super easy method today! It is to use egg tart model instead of scallop shell 🌚 Scallop meat only needs to go to the supermarket to buy frozen~ 🤫 It really tastes as good as the one in the store! The practice is very simple! first! Thaw scallops! Longkou fans soak in hot water! Lots and lots of minced garlic! A little millet pepper! chopped green onion! Chopped! The soaked fans should be cut short and not too long! Easy to eat! Put a small amount of fans per egg tart model! Then put the scallop meat in order! Oil the hot pan! Put more! Pour the minced garlic! Stir fry it with millet peppers! Remember to keep the fire small or it will burn! A little steamed fish soy sauce! Oyster sauce! sugar! Seasoning! Taste it yourself and it's not too salty! 🌚 Spoon the fried sauce onto each vermicelli scallop! Remember to be sure to soak in the rain and dew! Then steam it in a pot! It takes about 8-10 minutes! Turn off the fire and sprinkle onion! Did you think this was the end? not at all! Friends who like a little more garlic can sprinkle more minced garlic! You can also ignore personal preference! 🌚 Heat oil in a pan to high heat and pour it on each scallop in turn! Hearing the sizzling sound when the oil is poured is really healing 🤤 The scent comes out immediately! good! eat! of! Do not! have to! ! It is recommended to make a little more at a time🌚, otherwise it is really not enough to eat hahaha! # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #
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Yami 특선 深夜食堂🤫———秒杀烧烤蒜蓉粉丝扇贝 有没有人和我一样喜欢吃烤扇贝???🙋🏻 真不知道这种神仙般的美食谁发明的! 太好吃了吧!所以决定自己在家做! 自己做一点不难还不需要处理扇贝那么麻烦🌚 好吧其实是我买不到新鲜扇贝🤭哈哈哈 今天就分享一个超简易的方法! 就是用蛋挞模型来代替扇贝的壳🌚 扇贝肉只需要去买超市买冷冻的就行~ 🤫 吃起来的味道真的不比店里的差! 做法很简单! 首先!扇贝解冻!龙口粉丝泡热水! 蒜蓉要很多很多很多!少许小米椒!葱花!切碎! 泡好的粉丝剪短不要太长!吃起来方便! 每个蛋挞模型放少量粉丝!再依次摆上扇贝肉! 热锅放油!多放一点!倒蒜蓉!小米椒炒它! 记得小火不然会焦!少许蒸鱼豉油!蚝油!糖! 调味!自己尝尝味道不要太咸了!🌚 把炒好的酱料舀到每一颗粉丝扇贝上! 记得一定要雨露均沾哦!然后上锅蒸熟它! 大概8-10分钟的样子!关火撒葱花! 你以为这样就结束了吗?并没有! 喜欢多一点蒜香的朋友可以再撒点蒜蓉! 也可以不撒看个人喜好嘛!🌚 锅里倒油加热到高温然后依次泼在每一颗扇贝上! 听到泼油时滋滋作响的声音真的太治愈了🤤 香味立马就散发出来!好!吃!的!不!得!了! 建议一次多做一点🌚不然真的不够吃的哈哈哈哈! # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #