【全美超低价】日本D-PLUS 天然酵母持久保鲜面包 北海道奶油味 80g晒单
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“# 挑战$100过一周 #蜗牛挑战$100过一周 Day #2 🌟 🌟早餐 天然酵母面包 $1.79 配山猫王榴莲咖啡$0.6·~香甜美味的早餐。🌟 🌟有能量的午餐 韩国MANIKEP 滋补参鸡汤 $11.69,用汤底和日清出前一丁的面$0.7一起煮。🌟 🌟晚饭,余下的叁鸡同米饭一起滚煮,做叁鸡粥。小碗白米饭$0.5,清淡爽口的晚饭~🌟 🌟在亚米周三直播全场9折买 的以上食材~总共$15.28。会过日子的蜗牛因为犯懒,很多食物是直接在亚米上买的。”
“# 亚米与你相识已9 #首先先恭喜亚米9周年了.真的感觉亚米和自己是互相看着成长/长大的.因为2013年的时候我还在校园里拼命赶论文.那时候是和室友一起下单买泡面.买老干妈.2015年.室友回国了.我就开始自己下单买买买了.那时候买的最多的就是各种零食和面包.其中日本的D-Plus面包买的最多了.因为这是我每天的必备早餐.它的抹茶和红豆口味是我的最爱.还有就是台湾的蜜汁鲑鱼片也是好吃到翻滚.但是后来就一直没货了….(顺便再此问问能补货吗🤣第一次在亚米发晒单就是2020年的时候.因为邀疫情.只能WFH.所以闲暇无事关注看亚米的晒货圈.于是我也参加了各种活动.直至今天.让我爱上了摄”
“# 日本逛吃图鉴 #分享一波甜甜的日本小零食【这款酵母面包真的好绵,捏一捏特解压,有棉花糖的感觉,当然口感也很好。个人最爱的还是这个抹茶味的牛奶硬糖,特别香浓。最后那个米奇棒棒糖也敲可爱的,休闲娱乐必备!”
“# 日本逛吃图鉴 #OK,为了看奥运之面包系列的日本D-PLUS 天然酵母持久保鲜面包的北海道奶油味有点特别,奶油味自然是香香的,但是又跟一般吃的奶油味不一样,有点日本特色吧,总之挺好吃的,一个下去不多不少刚好可以填肚子,perfect!”
“# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 几款我经常回购的零食 天然酵母面包不用多说了,超多种口味,松软细腻;半熟芝士蛋糕海盐味 咸甜适中 有很浓的芝士香;pocky最爱的黑巧克力味!不会很甜,超级适合看电视的时候吃”
“# 亚裔传统月日本篇 # I purchased 10 of this delicious cream bread, and Yami send me a big box as a gift. This bread tastes so good that I want to try all those flavors of this series. This bread is so soft and fluffy that tastes a little bit like a cake. I baked it in the convenient oven for 10 minutes and”
“# Sakura Season #D-PLUS Natural Yeast Lasting Fresh Bread is really the longest lasting freshness and the most delicious. I bought it on Yamibuy for only $1.49. I bought the original flavor and the matcha flavor, both of which are delicious😋 This bread uses lactic acid bacteria in natural yeast, w”
“# Happy order Happy life! #D-PLUS Natural Yeast Long-lasting Fresh Bread uses lactic acid bacteria from natural yeast, so it tastes particularly soft. It is also because it uses natural yeast, which has a lower fat content and no preservatives, so you will not feel guilty after eating the whole th”
“# Happy order Happy life! #the honey butter chips are definitely worth a try! not exactly my type of snack but something fun to check outfor the second, the tea isnt the pomelo but i have had that flavor before! this brand makes really nice tea, best served chilled!d plus bread: i have tried the”