# Happy order Happy life! #Drinking Apple Tremella and Red Date Soup maintains healthy. Apple has the effects of nourishing the lungs and eliminating troubles, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and nourishing the heart and qi. As the saying goes, "one apple a day keeps the doctor away." The red dates contain a lot of vitamins, which can invigorate the spleen and stomach and nourish blood. Tremella is rich in colloids, which is the best natural collagen for women. It is also indispensable for moistening the lungs and reducing phlegm and appetizing the intestines. Brown sugar can dispel wind and cold and nourish blood. Ingredients: two apples, five red dates, wolfberry, one white fungus, water, brown sugar Steps: 1. Wash the white fungus softly, remove the roots and tear them into small pieces 2. Rub the apple with salt, peel and cut into pieces 3. Wash the red dates and remove the pit; wash the wolfberry 4. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot, pour white fungus, red dates and apples, and simmer for 1 hour 5. Add wolfberry and brown sugar and cook for another 10 minutes