
Homemade Spicy BBQ Sauce

The soul of barbecue may be barbecue sauce. Delicious sauce can turn decay into legend. No matter what ingredients are brushed with barbecue sauce, they will immediately become mouth-watering. .

If you want to reduce your calorie intake, you can try to choose lean meat or vegetables for roasting, or you can use boiling water to dip the cooked ingredients with a small amount of sauce.

Today's barbecue I use this homemade barbecue sauce. After roasting, brush the surface of the food with a very fragrant taste. It tastes like a domestic food stall barbecue stall. . In addition, marinating meat with this barbecue sauce is also very delicious, it can be said to be very versatile. As long as you can't think of anything that is not delicious, it is invincible and delicious to roast beef, chicken, chicken wings, shrimp, squid, bacon, enoki mushrooms, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leeks, mushrooms, eggplant, bamboo shoots, etc. 🤤).

<Ingredients>< /p>

- 1spoon of chili powder (I use Liupo's chili powder, highly recommended for super fragrant👍)

- 1spoon of ground cumin

- 1spoon of allspice

- 1spoon of cooked sesame seeds

- 1spoon of table salt

- 2spoon minced garlic

- 1Lao Soy Sauce

- 2scoops of soy sauce

- 1spoon of oil

- Half spoonful of pepper powder

- 1spoon of chili sauce (both Korean and garlic chili sauce will work)

- A handful of chopped green onion

- 2spoon of oil

- 4-5Prickly ash

<Steps>< /p>

1. In a bowl, mix all the seasonings except the oil and peppercorns.

2. Heat a pot with medium and low heat, pour in oil and four or five peppers, until the peppers are fragrant Remove and turn off the heat when the oil is hot.

3. Pour the hot oil into the dressing and stir to combine.

 # Today is alsoyamiday # # 爱吃又想瘦 #

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- 1勺辣椒面(我用的六婆的辣椒粉,强烈推荐超级香👍

- 1勺孜然粉

- 1勺五香粉

- 1勺熟芝麻

- 1勺食盐

- 2勺蒜蓉

- 1勺老抽

- 2勺生抽

- 1勺耗油

- 半勺花椒粉

- 1勺辣椒酱(韩式辣椒酱和蒜蓉辣椒酱都可以)

- 一小把葱花

- 2勺油

- 4-5颗花椒


1. 在碗中混合除了油和花椒之外的所有调料。

2. 用中小火加热锅,倒入油和四五颗花椒,至花椒出香味后捞出,油烧热后关火。

3. 把热油浇到调料中,趁热搅拌均匀。

 # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 爱吃又想瘦 #