# 2022双节快乐 # East Taste Five spice powder. I bought this powder before buying all kinds of spices. The five-spice powder has a lighter taste than the thirteen spices, and it is more suitable for the recipe to use with some sauces. There is no specific ratio of five-spice powder, it is five spices anyway. There are also Shannai and Caoguo in this, but I didn't directly use some very common and cheap spices to make up the number, which feels very conscientious. The small bottle is also very good. After I run out, I will make another batch of powder and put it in. 2⃣️3⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 東之味 五香粉。没买各种香料之前买的这个粉,五香粉比十三香要味道轻一些,更适合方子自己配一些酱料里去用。五香粉没有特定的配比,反正是五种香料。这个里面还有山奈和草果,倒是没有直接拿一些非常常见而便宜的香料凑数,感觉很良心了。小瓶子也挺好的,等快用光了之后我自己再打一批粉出来装进去。2⃣️3⃣️