# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yami's Surprise Marinade: New Orleans Grilled Wings with Honey Sauce! This package of marinade is a savior for lazy people (people who are too lazy to find New Orleans recipes online), as long as half a package of flour mixed with four tablespoons of water, four normal-sized chicken legs can be marinated 🍗! (Chicken wings are too expensive so I used chicken thighs instead hehe) Reminder: add an extra spoonful of salt to taste more delicious ~ remember to marinate overnight!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米惊喜腌料:新奥尔良烤翅蜜汁味! 这包腌料简直就是懒人救星(懒得上网找新奥尔良配方的人),只要半包粉兑四勺水,就可以腌制四个正常size的鸡腿🍗啦!(鸡翅太贵了所以我用了鸡腿替代嘿嘿) 温馨提示:自己额外加一勺盐味道味更足哦~记得腌制过夜呀!