# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yami's Surprise Snack: Golden Mill Spicy Tiao Not long ago, I found this cheap and delicious spicy noodles on Yami 👍 The price is very affordable. If you buy it at a discount, it is only about 50 cents a pack, which is also a good deal. The taste is quite similar to Weilong's, but the taste is not so spicy, and the taste is relatively mild, but this pepper-flavored chicken taste is quite sweet; In addition, the amount of this one is relatively small, there are five sticks in a pack, which is very suitable for one person to eat, no longer afraid that one person can't finish a big pack of spicy sticks 😂
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米惊喜零食:金磨坊辣条 前不久在亚米上发现了这款平价好吃的辣条👍 价格很实惠,如果是打折时买大概才五毛钱一包,也太划算了吧。 味道跟卫龙的也挺像的,但是味道没那么辣,相对来说口味比较淡,但是这个椒香鸡肉味感觉还挺甜的; 另外这个的量比较少,一包里面有五根,非常适合一个人吃,再也不怕一个人吃不完一大包辣条了😂