# 2021亚米面膜节 #Korea JM SOLUTION Water Bomb Water Nourishing First Aid Injection Mask-Extremely hydrating, super calming, creating hydrated and healthy skin‼ ️🥰🥰 Recently, I bought a lot of JM SOLUTION masks because it is cheap and easy to use. This water-light bomb nourishing and first-aid mask has a good reputation, and then let me evaluate this mask for babies. 🍀Mask material Using natural cellulose mask paper, it is not particularly thin, but it is comfortable to touch and fits closely to the facial skin. The JM SOLUTION mask gives the impression that the essence is particularly sufficient, and there is usually leftovers, which can be used to wipe the neck and hands, like one! 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 5-fold hyaluronic acid - contains 5 kinds of top hyaluronic acid ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, and hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycan, which maximizes the skin's moisturizing ability from the epidermis to the bottom of the muscle, and increases the hydrating ability by 60%; 3 kinds of vitality peptides - rejuvenate the fragile and lost skin, replenish and upgrade the skin, and restore the skin's elasticity; Xylitol Glucoside AQUAXYL—strengthen the stratum corneum for smooth and plump skin; PANTHENOL - Promotes cell growth, lubricates and hydrates the skin. 🍀How to use: After cleansing, use toner to cleanse the skin; Take out the mask and stick it on the face; After 10-20 minutes, remove and pat the remaining essence until absorbed. 🍀 Overall feeling This mask can be regarded as its ace moisturizing mask. The essence is very sufficient, the essence is transparent, and the absorption is particularly good. After using the mask, the skin is super moisturised, worthy of being a water bomb, and the moisturizing effect is really excellent. Second The face still feels supple and tender in the sky, highly recommended! 🍀Recommendation: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 一周瘦身大作战 # Apply a mask while doing leg stretching exercises to lose weight and beautify!
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yami_featured_image # 2021亚米面膜节 #韩国JM SOLUTION 水光炸弹水滋养急救针剂面膜—极致补水,超强镇定,缔造水润健康美肌‼️🥰🥰 最近入了好多JM SOLUTION的面膜,因为它家既便宜又好用。这款水光炸弹滋养急救面膜口碑很好,接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 采用天然纤维素面膜纸,不是特别薄,但触感舒适,紧密贴合面部肌肤。JM SOLUTION 面膜给人的感觉就是精华液特别充足,一般都会有剩余,可以用来抹脖子和手部,赞一个! 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 5重透明质酸——含透明质酸、水解透明质酸、水解糖胺聚糖等5种顶级透明质酸成分,最大限度提高肌肤从表皮到肌底的保湿能力,补水能力提升60%; 3种活力胜肽— 让脆弱失去活力的皮肤重现生机,给皮肤补充升级,让皮肤恢复弹性; 木糖醇基葡萄糖苷AQUAXYL— 强化角质层,打造光滑饱满肌肤; 泛醇PANTHENOL—促进细胞生长,润滑保湿肌肤。 🍀使用方法: 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 等待10-20分钟后取下把剩余精华轻拍至吸收。 🍀整体感受 这款面膜算是它家的王牌补水面膜,精华液十分充足,精华液呈透明状,吸收度特别好,用完面膜后,皮肤超级水润,不愧为水光炸弹,补水效果确实出色,第二天起来脸部摸起来仍然是水嫩嫩的,强烈推荐! 🍀推荐度:🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 一周瘦身大作战 # 边做腿部拉伸运动边敷面膜,瘦身又美颜哦!