#2021亚米面膜节 #LULULUN red high moisturizing mask, anti-aging and moisturizing, apply to hydrated skin🥰🥰 This LULULUN red high moisturizing mask is one of its series products for mature skin. It focuses on anti-aging moisturizing and dense moisturizing. Let me introduce this mask to you in detail. 🍀Mask material The mask paper is made of high-fit mask paper. The mask paper is quite large and can basically cover my big face. The 3-layer moisturizing structure is very gentle and docile. 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask L22 Essential Oil - natural botanical ingredients that gently soften the skin; Sacran freshwater seaweed extract - 5 times more moisturizing power than hyaluronic acid, continuous and concentrated hydration. Rice Fermentation - Gently exfoliates dead skin cells, blackheads, and creates flawless skin; Loneline sprouts extract - for mature skin, such as shore city, improve skin, and shape white skin; Rice Extract - Moisturizes the skin, improves fine lines and restores elasticity and youthful skin. Plum Extract - Sourced from Japan's top-end plum brand, it softens the skin. 🍀How to use: 1. After cleansing, use toner to clean the skin; 2. Take out the mask and stick it on the face; 3. After 5-10 minutes, remove and pat the remaining essence until absorbed. 🍀Feeling This red high moisturizing mask is suitable for mature skin and is slightly more expensive than the basic mask. I happen to have sensitive, oily, and mature skin. Recently, I often stay up late, the T zone is prone to oil, and the two sides are seriously dehydrated. This mask doesn't smell much. The official introduction is that it has no pigment, no fragrance, and no alcohol. Compared with the green version, the red version has no tingling feeling when applied, and the essence is quite sufficient. It is compliant, and the face is very moisturizing after application, not sticky. It seems to form a thin water film on the surface of the skin, and the moisturizing effect is very good‼ ️🥰🥰 # 一周瘦身大作战 # Applying a mask while exercising, slimming and beauty are going on at the same time!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #LULULUN红色高保湿面膜,抗老水润,敷出水光肌🥰🥰 这款LULULUN红色高保湿面膜是它家针对熟龄肌推出的系列产品之一,主打抗老水润,浓密保湿。接下来让我给大家详细介绍这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 面膜纸采用的是高贴合面膜纸,面膜纸蛮大,能基本盖住我的大脸,3层保湿结构,十分温和服帖。 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 L22 精华油— 天然植物成分,温和柔润肌肤; Sacran淡水海苔提取物—高于玻尿酸5倍的保湿力,持续集中补水。 大米发酵物— 温和去除老旧角质、黑头,打造无暇肌; 独行菜芽提取物— 针对熟龄肌的岸城等,改善肌肤,塑造透白肌肤; 大米提取物—滋润肌肤,改善细纹,恢复弹润年轻肌。 梅子提取物—源自日本最高端梅子品牌,柔嫩肌肤。 🍀使用方法: 1. 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 2. 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 3. 等待5-10分钟后取下把剩余精华轻拍至吸收。 🍀使用感受 这款红色高保湿适合熟龄肌肤使用,比基础版面膜稍微贵一丢丢。本人正好是敏感混油熟龄肌肤,最近常熬夜,T区容易出油,两边严重缺水。这款面膜闻起来没有什么味道,官方介绍是无色素、无香精、无酒精,与绿色版相比,红色款敷上去没有刺痛感,精华液挺充足,面膜size也比较大,敷起来很服帖,敷完后脸部特别水润,不粘腻,看上去在皮肤表层形成了一层薄薄的水膜,保湿效果很赞喔‼️🥰🥰 # 一周瘦身大作战 # 边敷面膜边运动,瘦身美容同步进行!