# 2021亚米面膜节 #Soothing and whitening, it depends on it for repair after sun ❤️LULULUN White Repair Brightening Whitening Mask Review This is a white Japanese LULULUN mask, and it is also one of his basic masks. It focuses on repairing, brightening and whitening after sun exposure. It is the first time I have used it. Let me share with you my review of this mask! 🍀Mask material The material is the same as other models, using natural cellulose mask paper, which is not particularly thin, but feels comfortable to the touch and fits closely to the facial skin. The mask paper is relatively large and the design is quite reasonable. Basically, it can cover a big face like me, around the eyes and lips, which is very good. 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 1. Paeonia suffruticosa flower extract - the effect of vitamin D, which brings inner strength and rejuvenates the skin; 2. b White TM—Professional brightening ingredient, inhibits shoreline from the source, dilutes skin blemishes, and creates shiny, translucent and lustrous skin; 3. Elderberry Extract - Gently cares for damaged barriers, reduces dullness and conditions the skin. 🍀How to use: 1. After cleansing, use toner to clean the skin; 2. Take out the mask and stick it on the face; 3. Leave on for about 5 minutes, and gently wrap the skin with the palm of your hand for better effect; 4. Fold the mask and gently apply it on the face like a cotton pad. It is better to use it with its moisturizing cream. 🍀 Overall feeling This Lululun white repairing and brightening mask is mainly used for after-sun repair. I bought a single piece, and it also has a more cost-effective pumping box. The mask is the same, that is, it is not individually packaged. Its masks are all pigment-free, fragrance-free, and alcohol-free, so you can use it with confidence. When you first apply it to your face, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. There is not too much essence. , After applying, the skin will not become red and allergic, and the facial skin will become soothed and calm. Since there is not too much sun, the repairing effect cannot be seen, and the moisturizing effect is not as good as other models. This mask is not suitable for use every day. When the weather is good, you might as well try it after you go out and come back🥰 🍀Recommendation: 🌟🌟🌟
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yami_featured_image # 2021亚米面膜节 #舒缓美白,晒后修复就靠它❤️LULULUN 白色修护提亮美白面膜测评 这是白色的日本LULULUN 面膜,也是他家基础款面膜之一,主打晒后修复、提亮美白,目前是第一次使用,给大家分享下我对这款面膜的测评吧! 🍀面膜材质 材质与其他款相同,采用了天然纤维素面膜纸,不是特别薄,但触感舒适,紧密贴合面部肌肤。面膜纸比较大,设计也蛮合理,基本上也能覆盖像我一样的大脸庞,眼周,唇部也能覆盖,非常不错。 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 1. 芍药花提取物——维他命d功效,带来有内心生的力量,重赋肌肤新生活力; 2. b White TM— 专业亮白成分,从根源抑制岸城,淡化肌肤瑕疵,打造闪耀透亮光泽肌; 3. 西洋接骨木提取物— 温和护理受损屏障,减轻暗沉,调理肌肤。 🍀使用方法: 1. 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 2. 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 3. 敷5分钟左右,用手掌轻轻包覆肌肤效果更佳; 4. 将面膜折叠如同化妆棉一般轻轻敷在脸上,配合它家的保湿面霜使用更好。 🍀整体感受 这款Lululun白色修复提亮面膜主打晒后修复,我买的是单片装,它家还有性价比更高的抽盒装,面膜是一样的,就是非独立包装。它家的面膜都是无色素、无香精、无酒精,可以放心使用,刚敷上脸时会有轻微刺痛感,精华液不太多,面膜敷起来很服帖,特别适合晒完太阳后敷,敷完后皮肤不会变红过敏,面部肌肤也变得舒缓镇定,由于没有晒太多太阳,修复效果还看不出来,保湿效果没有其他款好。这一款面膜不适合天天用,天气好出门回来后,不妨试试呢🥰 🍀推荐度:🌟🌟🌟