# 我的囤货清单 # Although it is a small bag of snacks for one dollar, it does not mean that it is not delicious. This small bag of barbecue-flavored dog tooth pizza rolls, although the real super mini portion is really small, but I read the comments. It's okay, it's fragrant and crispy, and it's worth it!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 虽然是一块钱一包的凑单小零食,可是不代表就不好吃呀,这小小的一袋烧烤味狗牙儿比萨卷,虽然真的超级迷你分量是真的少,但是看评论都说还可以,香喷喷的酥脆脆的,好吃就值得呀!