#亚米经验值+1# Little Bear came to New Orleans Roasted Wing Marinade, a small pack of 35 grams, the price is affordable Hey, I bought less. Recently, the chicken legs in the supermarket are on sale. Chicken legs 🍗 grilled. It’s not worse than the ones bought outside, um, the honey flavor is more suitable for the public’s taste
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 小熊驾到新奥尔良烤翅腌料,小小一包35克,价格实惠 哎,又买少了最近超市鸡腿都大减价哦 鸡腿🍗烤起来。不比外面买的差,嗯蜜汁味比较适合大众口味