Very simple homemade sad jelly👩🏻‍🍳 All ingredients come from Yami~ 💟 jelly making process 1⃣️Mix pea starch and water in a ratio of 1:1 by volume, stir well, and put it in a bowl for later use 2⃣️ Take the water with a volume of 4 times that of the pea starch in the previous step, pour it into a pot and bring it to a boil, which means that the total volume ratio of pea starch and water is 1:5 when these two steps are added together. 3⃣️When the water in the pot is completely boiled, pour the mixed liquid of 1⃣️ into the pot and stir quickly to prevent overcooking 4⃣️After the pot is evenly mixed, turn to low heat and keep stirring in one direction with a spoon until the liquid in the pot is viscous and becomes translucent. This process takes about 5-10 minutes 5⃣️Pour the liquid in the pot into a stainless steel or glass container, let it stand at room temperature for more than 3 hours, do not put it in the refrigerator to cool at this time 6⃣️Invert the container for the jelly on the chopping board, and cut the jelly into the desired shape 💟Recipe of seasoning sauce (universal seasoning sauce, suitable for all kinds of cold dishes) 1⃣️Take a clean bowl, mix vinegar, soy sauce and pure water in a ratio of 1:2:3 2⃣️Add an appropriate amount of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, and a teaspoon of pepper 3⃣️Cut the onion and garlic into pieces, cut the spicy millet/pickled pepper into sections, and add to the bowl 4⃣️Add oily spicy seeds, it is best to pour them yourself, the kind with white sesame, vinegar and pepper powder in it, next time I will write you how to make oily spicy seeds 💟Pour the seasoning sauce on the jelly, and you're done 👏 # 温暖小厨房 # # 亚米食谱 # # 如7而至 # # 夏夏厨房 # # 我要上精选 #
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亚米精選 非常简单的自制伤心凉粉👩🏻‍🍳 食材全部来自亚米~ 💟凉粉制作过程 1⃣️将豌豆淀粉和水以体积1:1的比例混合,搅拌均匀,放碗里备用 2⃣️取体积是上一步豌豆淀粉4倍的水倒入锅里大火烧开,也就是说这两步加起来,豌豆淀粉与水的总体积比是1:5 3⃣️当锅中的水完全烧开时,将1⃣️的混合液体倒入锅中快速搅拌,以防煮糊 4⃣️锅中混合均匀后,转为小火,同时一直用勺子沿一个方向搅拌,直至锅里液体粘稠,并变成半透明状,这一过程大概需要5-10分钟 5⃣️将锅内液体倒入不锈钢或者玻璃容器里,常温静置3个小时以上,这时候不要放冰箱里冷却 6⃣️将放凉粉的容器倒扣于案板上,并把凉粉切成需要的形状 💟调料汁的配方(万能调料汁,适用于各种凉拌菜) 1⃣️取一个干净的碗,将醋、生抽、纯净水以1:2:3的比例调开 2⃣️再加入适量的盐、一小勺白糖、一小勺胡椒粉 3⃣️葱蒜切成末,小米辣/泡椒切成段,加入碗中 4⃣️加入油泼辣子,最好是自己泼的哦,里面带有白芝麻、醋和花椒粉的那种,下次给大家写油泼辣子的做法 💟将调料汁浇到码好的凉粉上,就大功告成啦👏 # 温暖小厨房 # # 亚米食谱 # # 如7而至 # # 夏夏厨房 # # 我要上精选 #