# 夏日清凉 #Super suitable for summer noodles with lazy beans, one pot to the end, convenient and delicious. I used Japanese-style udon noodles bought by Yami, which looks the same as vermicelli noodles, but it won't clump together or stick to the pan when making stewed noodles. The texture is also more chewy than normal noodles. Braised Noodles: 1 Slice the pork belly, stir fry without oil in the pan. 2 Add chopped green onion and minced garlic to the pot, stir-fry until fragrant, add in beans and stir-fry. Then add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, and a little salt. 3 Pour in the boiling water to cover the vegetables, bring to a boil, pour out a bowl of soup for later use, cover the pot with noodles and simmer for 10 minutes. 4 Finally, pour in the soup, mix the noodles and vegetables evenly, and serve.
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# 夏日清凉 #超适合夏日的懒人豆角焖面,一锅到底,方便又美味。用了亚米买的日式乌冬面,看起来和挂面一样,但是做焖面不会坨成一团,也不粘锅。口感也比一般的挂面有嚼劲。 焖面制作: 1 五花肉切片,锅里不放油煸炒。 2 锅里加入葱花、蒜末炒出香味后放入豆角翻炒。然后加料酒、生抽、老抽、蚝油、一点盐。 3 倒入开水没过菜,煮开后盛出一碗汤汁备用,锅里铺上面条盖盖子焖煮10分钟。 4 最后倒入汤汁,把面条和菜翻拌均匀,出锅。