
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 三食三餐 #The fried dumplings with crystal flowers are good-looking and deliciousIn order to lose weight, I dare to order greasy, high-calorie breakfast. At the same time tired of eating bread, eggs and milk, the stomach has missed the taste of China too much. Frozen dumplings, you can choose any fl

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#三食三餐 #meatyah—steamed pork ribs with garlicRelieve the thoughts of the stomach, we are well-dressed overseas🎉Main ingredients: small ribs, a lot of garlic, a little ginger🎉 Seasoning: cooking wine, Erguotou, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, starch, salt, sugar, white pepper, peanut oil🎉Auxiliar

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# 三食三餐 #dead house girl’s cheat day to lose weightSummer weight loss is a long way to go. Hahaha for a month.Heavy salt, heavy spicy, heavy hemp, it is simply the joy of life. 🥳🥳🥳Because too much salt will cause edema, so I usually put it at noon on weekends as a cheat day for weight loss, and l

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The standard for the painting of a dead house girlIn summer, in addition to sour plum soup, that is small snacks, I dont like to eat.Picked up a few bookmarks from friends and drew carefully. But inspiration says that you have to eat something to eat, and you have to feed it before you have the e

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# 三食三餐 #Dead house girl diet meal, there is no finished picture, because it is finishedIts been a long time since summer, but summer in Seattle is still cool. But you cant let the weight loss cool down.Therefore, the dedication to the cause of weight loss and the pursuit of delicious food by dea

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A dead house who doesn't know how to handcraft is not a good painter

No one recently I ordered my advertisement card and the like🤔, so I made a handmade pouch in my spare time, which can be used as a cosmetic bag or as a cosmetic bag. Pen case😋 Because of storage, I sorted out the pieces of cloth I bought at Walmart, so I tried to make a bag after integrat

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Dead houses are justified because they have them

Dead House, One more reason——The delicious food is all at home👋 /span. at Mi Village , used to keep buying, buying, stocking and trying, 💢there will always be a style that will make my life Full of surprises✨.

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A dead house guide for long flights and short trips

As Dead Mansion , going out is a big thing, and there must be items that you like and are used to. 💓Otherwise you will be anxious. Todays Open The bag is simply a dead house+Obsessive-compulsive disorder upper body, posing for an afternoon, and tidying up the boxes that I returned t

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Going out of a dead house is a sense of security

💓 A dead house like me, a girl with all kinds of equipment at home, drinking tea and water with a sense of ritual. When you go out, you will definitely want to take everything with you, so you can feel safe🤨. First, take notes

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Drinking tea during the Christmas holidays is a ritual 🎶 A girl like me, who is a dead house, has to drink a little bit of water and die hard🤔 The last time I took a bath 🛀 I had to do all kinds of things So every time you drink tea, you have to choose tea bags according to your mood 💓 As a resu

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