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Jingdong book

我的枕边英语书:看天,看雪,看时间的背影(升级版 附光盘)

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我的枕边英语书:看天,看雪,看时间的背影(升级版 附光盘)

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Content Description

《我的枕边英语书:看天,看雪,看时间的背影(升级版)》一书精选海外名家的智慧箴言和经典英语美文的妙语佳句,共492句,分为28章,分别涉及学习、理想、奋斗、习惯、自信、坚持等主题。书中的“For you(写给读书的你)”栏目,让您在感受原汁原味的英文魅力同时,品读人生,享受生活;“Words and Phrases”为您献上重点英语词汇释义,让您在潜移默化中学好英文,提升阅读速度。本书还配有意境优美的全彩插画,旨在以最美好的姿态为您呈现令人回味无穷的美妙瞬间!隽永的语言,独到的赏析,精美的插图,带您一起享受阅读,感受生命中那流光溢彩的美好。更有超值的的附赠光盘,纯正美音诵读,让你的耳朵爱上听英语!

Author Description




使用说明 ..............................................3

书籍,智慧的明灯 ......................................5

学习,终生受益的过程 ..................................19

岁月不待人 ...........................................30

理想,前进路上的启明星 ................................42

奋斗,向上的阶梯 ......................................50

千里之行,始于足下 ....................................59

有个好习惯,事事都不难 ................................68

知错能改,善莫大焉 ....................................78

勤奋是最宝贵的财富 ....................................89

懒惰,万恶之源 ........................................98

甩掉自卑,让自信伴你行 ................................108

该放手时就放手 .......................................118

失败,成功的开始 ......................................127

我专注,我成功 ........................................137

面对挫折,勇往直前 ....................................146

苦难促人成长 ..........................................156

坚持创造奇迹 ..........................................167

善恶只在一念之间 .......................................179

把握机遇,主宰人生 ....................................188

行动比言语更有力量 ....................................196

我尝试,我突破 ........................................206

一份忍耐,一份收获 ....................................218

吃一堑,长一智 ........................................227

在绝望中寻找希望 ......................................235

海纳百川,有容乃大 ....................................244

诚信待人,认真做事 ....................................254

学会自我调节 ..........................................267

精于思,慎于言 ........................................278

Book Abstract



It will never rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant more trees.


For you

What will you do if you want to get something urgently Shut up your eyes and expect it to drop from the clouds What a pipe dream! Remember that it wi l l never rain roses. When you want to have more roses you must plant more trees. 当你特别想要一样东西时, 你会怎么做呢?是闭上眼睛,希望它从天而降吗?别做梦了!记住:玫瑰不会从天而落。如果想要更多的玫瑰花,就得自己种。

Words and Phrases

urgently [':dntl] adv. 紧急地,迫切地

dream [dri:m] v. 做梦;n. 梦

pipe dream 白日梦;幻想


Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.


For you

Are you looking forward to a miracle It may occur, but you have to work terribly for it. If you want to get something for nothing, it is only an illusion. You will receive nothing without expense. 你渴望奇迹发生吗?有时奇迹会出现,但你必须为之努力奋斗。如果你想要不劳而获,那只能是幻想,天上是不可能掉馅饼的。

Words and Phrases

occur [k:(r)] v. 发生,存在,出现;想到get something for nothing 免费得到,不劳而获

illusion [lu:n] n. 错觉,幻觉unreal [nrl] adj. 虚幻的,不真实的

unreality [nr'lt] n. 不真实,虚幻unrealistic [nrlstk] adj. 不切实际的,不实在的

unrealistically [nrlstkl] adv. 不现实地 illusory [lu:sr] adj. 虚幻的,幻觉的

expense [kspens] n. 费用,花费,代价



Habits shape your character; character decides your destiny.


For you

Do you have bad habits Do you believe that your bad habits will put the whammy on you This is not kidding. Because habits shape your character; character decides your destiny. Give up your bad habits quickly.


Words and Phrases

shape [ep] v. 塑造,定性,使……成形character [krkt(r)] n. 性格,特点

characteristic [krktrstk] adj. 独特的,特有的characterize [krktraz] v. 以……为典型

characterless [krktls] adj. 无个性的,平凡的personality [p:snlt] n. 性格

whammy [wm] n. 晦气;剧烈的打击put the whammy on 使……倒霉


The strength of habit is tremendous.


For you

I t 's not hard to do a good deed. The difficulty is to carry it on from day to day. But if you do it chronically, it is not difficult at all. Because the strength of habit is always tremendous. 做一件善事很容易,难的是日复一日地坚持。但是,如果你已经养成了做善事的好习惯,就没什么难的。因为习惯常常能迸发出惊人的力量。

Words and Phrases

tremendous [trmends] adj. 巨大的,惊人的vast [vɑ:st] adj. 巨大的,广阔的

huge [hju:d] adj. 巨大的big [bg] adj. 大的,巨大的carry on 继续,继续下去

from day to day 一天天地chronically ['krnkl] adv. 长期地,习惯性地



Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten.


For you

Everyone knows that running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten. Though some people are well aware of it, they would rather be torpid than use their heads. Aren't they stupid 我们都知道流水不腐,户枢不蠹。尽管有些人也明白这个道理,但他们就是宁愿让自己的脑子生锈也不愿动一下脑子。这样的人难道不愚蠢吗?

Words and Phrases

running [rn] adj. 奔跑的,赛跑的;流动的,不断的

runner [rn(r)] n. 奔跑的人stale [stel] adj. 不新鲜的,陈腐的;厌倦的

worm-eaten [w:mi:tn] adj. 虫蚀的;过时的,陈旧的;破烂不堪的

be aware of 意识到

would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁可做……而不做……


A well-spent day brings happy sleep; a well-spent life brings happy death.


For you

Bees and ants are both laborious insects. They are terribly busy every day.We should do things like them, for diligence is the source of many blessings. A well-spent day will bring happy sleep; a well-spent life will bring happy death. 蜜蜂和蚂蚁都是勤劳的昆虫,它们整日忙得不亦乐乎。我们也应该像它们一样勤劳,因为勤劳是幸福的源泉。一日勤劳,可带来一夜安眠;一生勤劳,便可带来幸福长眠。

Words and Phrases

bee [bi:] n. 蜜蜂honeybee [hnbi:] n. 蜜蜂queen bee 蜂王

bee-keeper [bi:'ki:p] n. 养蜂人drone [drn] n. 雄蜂ant [nt] n. 蚂蚁

termite [t:mat] n. 白蚁anthill [nthl] n. 蚁冢anteater ['nti:t] n. 食蚁兽

laborious [lb:rs] adj. 艰苦的;费劲的;勤勉的insect [nsekt] n. 昆虫;虫



Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience; even if it hurts,it's probably worth it.


For you

Everyone wi l l be blue when suffering from setbacks. But don't get discouraged. We should keep our mind open and suck in the experience. Even if we will get hurt, it's probably worth it. 遇到挫折,每个人都会忧郁沮丧。但是不要气馁。我们要打开心门去迎接新的阅历。即便我们会受伤,那也是值得的。

Words and Phrases

opium [pm] n. 鸦片;麻醉剂

suck in 吸收,吸取,使卷入

blue [blu:] adj. 忧郁的,沮丧的;蓝色的

gloomy [glu:m] adj. 忧郁的,沮丧的

melancholy [melnkl] adj. 悲哀的,沮丧的

suffer from 遭遇,遭受

discouraged [ds'krdd] adj. 泄气的,气馁的


All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them.


For you

Problems are just like rolling snowballs, and they will become larger and larger. However, if you don't dodge them but confront them, they will become smaller and smaller. Why not confront them 困难就像滚雪球,越滚越大。然而,如果你能直面难题,不去逃避,那所有的难题都变得越来越渺小。为什么不去面对呢?

Words and Phrases

dodge [dd] v. 躲开,躲避;n. 诡计;躲避dodger [dd(r)] n. 逃避者

confront [kn'frnt] v. 勇敢面对,直视,对抗snowball [snb:l] n. 雪球,打雪仗;v. 掷雪球;像滚雪球般增大

snowflake [snflek] n. 雪花snowman [snmn] n. 雪人





本书编排得当,共计28个标题,从28个不同角度对生活和人生进行阐述,内容包括珍惜时间、追求梦想、不畏挫折、把握机遇、笑看人生等,发人深省。每个标题下包括“人生箴言”“ForYou”“Words and Phrases”3大版块。“人生箴言”,中英文对照,带您直面人生的每一个困惑;“For You”,用情感真挚的文字,让您切身体会每个句给您带来的震撼,从而引发心灵的共鸣;“Words and Phrases”,精选英语中的高频词汇,让您在阅读的同时,不知不觉扩大词汇量。



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